Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Goals for Today

I've been quite slothful this week :( I thought it would help if I list my goals for the day!

Wash sheets DONE
Dust and sweep bedroom
Clean appliances DONE
Clean countertops DONE
Get water from Mom's DONE
Take bags and paper towels to Miss Charlotte DONE
Drop off video and books at the library DONE
Make cold and flu herbal remedy DONE
Make herbal tea
Label videos DONE
Clean cd's DONE

Cold and Flu Remedy
peel and dice 2 onions and 1 garlic bulb(not clove, the whole bulb)
handful of jalapenos
3" piece of ginger chopped

Pack into a mason jar
Cover with Bragg's apple cider vinegar(you want vinegar with the "mother" in it. Not the stuff you buy at the store. This can be found in a health food store.
Cover jar with plastic and put on canning lid.
Sit for 6 weeks.
Strain through cheese cloth.
Bottle the vinegar.

When you feel a cold/flu coming on take 1 tablespoon every hour.

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